Ma topesc

Ma topesc

Am gasit un cantec la care nu are rost sa mai adaug eu vreun comentariu. Vi-l dedic pentru aceasta saptamana. Traiti ca si cum va topiti. Topiti-va traind si fiti vulcanul cuiva. Vulcanul personal al cuiva drag, pe care sa-l topiti cu lava voastra fierbinte.

I melt
Everytime you look at me that way
It never fails any time any place
This burn in me is the coolest thing that i’v ever felt
i melt

Don’t know how you do it
I love the way I lose it everytime
What’s even better is knowing that forever yur all mine
The closer you get the more my body aches
One little stare from you is all it takes

Piesa: I melt | Artist: Rascal Flatts. Versurile aici.

Articol din categoria: De suflet

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