Ea crede in mine…

… si asta mi-e destul, desi nu stiu ce vede in mine. While she lays sleeping I stay out late at night to play my songs And sometimes all the nights can be so long And it`s good when I finally make it home, all alone While she lays dreaming, I touch her face across […]

We Belong Together

We Belong Together (Ooh, ooh, sweet love, yeah) I didn’t mean it When I said I didn’t love you, so I should have held on tight I never shoulda let you go I didn’t know nothing I was stupid, I was foolish I was lying to myself I could not fathom that I would ever […]

Scrisoare din tabara

Draga mami si tati, Ghidul nostru ne-a spus sa scriem acasa ca poate ati vazut la televizor inundatia si sunteti ingrijorati. Suntem bine. Apa a luat doar un cort si doi saci de dormit. Din fericire, nimeni nu s-a inecat pentru ca eram toti pe munte si il cautam pe Cristi. A, da, sun-o pe […]

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