Am fost dupa anul nou sa vad Avatar. Un fel de concept modern de intrupare, de experimentare a vietii dintr-un mediu ostil sau necunoscut, prin folosirea unui alt trup decat cel propriu.

Cel mai mult, din toata povestea si efectele speciale, tehnologia folosita si etc… cel mai mult mi-a placut salutul lor: te VAD. Mi s-a parut cutremurator. Intim. Cald. Adanc. Exotic si pasional. Respectuos si curat.

M-am gandit la noi, cei din zilele noastre. La saluturile noastre. La vorbele folosite. Am ajuns sa distorsionam pana si cuvinte simple, precum „te vad”.

Ne e frica ca „ne vede lumea”. A devenit atat de important felul in care ne privesc oamenii incat de multe ori sacrificam dorintele si sentimentele noastre, de dragul lumii.

Imi place sa cred ca mai exista oameni care vad, fara sa foloseasca lupa. Oameni care simt, fara sa aiba neaparat cele 5 simturi intacte. Oameni care fac, fara sa isi intocmeasca un raport la finalul fiecarei zile si apoi sa se laude cu „uite cate fac eu, tu ce faci?”

te VAD ! … oriunde ai fi

Leona Lewis: I See You Sountrack „Avatar”.

I see you
I see you
Walking through a dream
I see you
My light in darkness breathing hope of new life
Now I live through you and you through me
I pray in my heart that this dream never ends
I see me through your eyes

Living through life flying high
Your life shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
I live through your love
You teach me how to see

All that’s beautiful
My senses touch your word I never pictured
Now I give my hope to you
I surrender
I pray in my heart that this world never ends
I see me through your eyes
Living through life flying high

Your love shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life
I offer my love, for you
When my heart was never open
(and my spirit never free)
To the world that you have shown me
But my eyes could not division
All the colours of love and of life ever more

(I see me through your eyes)
I see me through your eyes
(Living through life flying high)
Flying high

Your love shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
And live through your love
And live through your life
I see you
I see you

Articol din categoria: De suflet


1 comentariu

  1. De acum incolo, te vad…:)

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