Mobile App World 2011 – Ziua 1 si 2

Mobile App World 2011 – Ziua 1 si 2

Mobile App World 2010Asa cum va spuneam intr-un post anterior, sunt zilele astea la Mobile Apps World 2011, impreuna cu Bogdan Colceriu. Am fost invitati ca si speakeri si Bogdan a prezentat povestea Trip Journal, de la idee la produsul de succes de astazi.

Apoi, am lansat oficial noua aplicatie produsa tot de iQuest, Trip Viewer. La finalul lansarii Trip Viewer, Bogdan a anuntat un „mic premiu” pentru cineva din audienta care va raspunde corect la intrebarea „Ce premii a castigat anul trecut Trip Journal in cadrul Mobile Apps World 2010?” (Cel mai bun design si Cea mai buna aplicatie platita).

Ziua 1 a fost impartita in 4 mari sesiuni:

  • Sesiunea 1: The evolving mobile ecosystem – au prezentat, pe rand: Linda Summers, Director Consumer Marketing la Skype (The rise of the smartphone: improving revenue and customer experience); Vincent Hoogsteder, CEO la Distimo (Understanding app store dynamics, monetization and market shifts); Charlie Hunter-Schyff, Head of Planning la O2 UK (The rise in app culture); Alex Meisl, Chairman la Sponge (Choosing the right path into mobile for your brand)
  • Sesiunea 2: Mobile Innovation and Value Creation – au prezentat: Daniel Rosen, Managing Director la AKQA mobile (Integrating mApps into the marketing mix); Ben Trewhella, CTO la Mubaloo (Mobile and tables acrossUK industries); Sam Arora, Director, DeviceAnywhere; Alexander Zudin, CEO la Paragon (I’ll Drive: How customized cross-platform program shells put mobile operators in the Driver’s Seat)
  • Sesiunea 3: Mobile user behaviour – vorbitori au fost: Matt Johnston, CMO la uTest (Understanding the human factors that shape mobile adoption, acceptance and interaction); Diana LaGattuta, Global Marketing Director la NAVTEQ Media Solutions (Location is putting mobile advertising on the map); Bogdan Colceriu, Manager Marketing la iQapps, (Case Study Trip Journal – From idea to a multi award winning app) – urmata de lansarea noii aplicatii pentru iPad Trip Viewer; Alexandre Winter, CEO la LTU Technologies (Let your customers snap and buy direct from print catalogues)
  • Sesiunea 4: Social Mobile – cu: King Yiu Chu, AR Strategits  (Social Mobile: Anytime,Anywhere, Any format); Rogier van den Heuvel; CCO la eBuddy (eBuddy Case Study); Paavo Backman, CEO la Mobile-Backstage (Mobilize, Monetize and Engage).

Ziua 2 este structurata astfel:

  • Sesiunea 1: Introducing the Mobile Wallet – Opening Keynote apartine lui Rory O’Neill, Vice President EMEA la BlackBerry
  • Sesiunea 2: Mobile Retail Revolution
  • Sesiunea 3: Pocket Marketing
  • Sesiunea 4: Making mApps smarter and more profitable

O sa revin maine seara cu detalii si titlurile prezentarilor.Puteti urmari live stream-ul aici [daca tremura imaginea, scuzati… tin iPhone-ul in mana:)]

Tot maine, uTest da un iPad 2 ca premiu iar NAVTEQ are „Developer Day„. Seara, inainte de incheiere, se vor da premiile pentru aplicatii mobile Mobile App World.

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