Startup Challenge How to Web 2011

Startup Challenge How to Web 2011

official-blogger-howtowebCu mai putin de o luna inainte de How to Web 2011, iata ca primim vesti despre modalitatea de inscriere la Startup Challenge. Am primit ieri informatiile de la organizatori si vi le pun mai jos:

How To Web launches Startup Challenge 2011

We are happy to announce the Startup Challenge 2011 competition. This year’s competition is dedicated to Central and Eastern European web startups ready to present their products or services in front of a jury and receive their competent feedback. Projects registration is open until October the 20th for a chance of participating in the final, which will take place during the How To Web 2011 conference, on the 9th and 10th of November, with an audience of more than 750 domain specialists.

In order to participate in the Startup Challenge competition, the startups must comply to a few conditions: they must have a product designed for a global or international market, less than 2 years of activity on the market, but a real product or service to show, they haven’t raised any VC funding until the present moment. The final stage of the competition will take place during the How To Web 2011 conference in Bucharest when 10 of the projects will be presented to the Startup Challenge jury, which will choose the most valuable startup. The jury will take choose the winner by analysing each business model, the technology used by each startup, the team, the target audience identification and the type of problem the startup wants to solve.

The Startup Challenge jury is formed of top web professionals like Jon Bradford (Springboard Managing Director) and Chris Kowalczyk ( Founder) and many other online specialists, investors and serial entrepreneurs.

Reshma Sohoni, Seedcamp Partner and Startup Challenge jury member, who has also been part of the Startup Challenge 2010 jury: – “In the last two years we’ve seen more and more Eastern European teams winning at Seedcamp due to their big and disruptive ideas, focus on execution and excelent techical skills. This is why we’re interested in supporting the local ecosystem and meeting the next wave of web entrepreneurs.”

Each of the startups taking part in the Startup Challenge competition will benefit from individual meetings with the jury members, meetings intended to provide them with valuable feedback. Apart from the valuable feedback that the participants will receive from the jury and the conference participants, all the finalists will receive one free ticket to How To Web 2011 and a second 50% discounted ticket. Also, they will have the change to prepare a Startup Corner for their business and present their activity to interested How To Web 2011 participants. All the 10 finalists will get to present their startup during a 5-minute session on the main stage of the event in from of the conference audience.

If you want to apply for the Startup Challenge 2011 and think you meet the entry criteria, submit your details on the Startup Challenge dedicated section until the 20th of October 2011. Check the How To Web 2011 website for more details.

Lista de profesionişti de top din domeniul tehnologiei web care participă anul acesta la HTW, este acum completată si de specialişti în sfera investiţiilor, a finanţării afacerilor si de reprezentanţi ai celor mai importante programe de susţinere a startup-urilor web din Europa. La editia din acest an a conferintei vor participa 750 de persoane din Europa de Est interesate de toate aspectele pe care le implica dezvoltarea unei afaceri web. Conferinta se va desfasura intre 9 si 10 noiembrie la Bucuresti.

How to Web 2011 ofera antreprenorilor web din Europa de Est posibilitatea de a lua parte la un eveniment in care cei mai buni profesionisti din domeniu le vor pune la dispozitie toate informatiile, cunostintele si contactele de care au nevoie pentru a-si putea dezvolta afacerea web la nivel international sau global. Pe langa acestea, se vor prezenta modele est-europene de succes, tendinte globale din sfera de activitate si noi aplicatii si tehnologii web sau mobile.

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