Cum sa adaugi locul de munca la profilul de Facebook

Cum sa adaugi locul de munca la profilul de Facebook

Am trimis recent in firma un email colegilor din iQuest despre cum sa-si modifice locul de munca in profilele de Facebook. Cum intern limba de comunicare este engleza, va redau in intregime emailul in limba lui Shakespeare 🙂


Today I want to provide a short guide on how to update your Facebook profile to correctly include iQuest‘s identity on this network.

Facebook profile update

A. If you have the new Facebook Timeline activated:

1. Go to the „About” area on your timeline:


2. In the „Work and Education” group, click Edit:


3. Start typing starting with the „@” symbol and then „iQuest” as seen below:


The official iQuest Facebook page will show in the drop-down and you can select the correct one (notice the custom logo).

Then simply click „Done Editing” to confirm your selection.

B. If you still use the old Facebook Profile format:

1. From your profile page, go to „Edit Profile” in the right-top corner:


2. From the page that opens, select „Education and Work” from the left side-bar menu options:


3. On the „Employer” field, proceed by entering „@” followed by „iQue” and select iQuest custom logo marked page


Fill your position, city where your iQuest Branch is and a brief descriptin of what you do (optional). Then use „Add Job” button to confirm.

Asta a fost mailul trimis colegilor. Poate ca stiati deja acesti pasi, poate nu. Daca esti printre cei care nu stiau exact cum se face treaba asta, as aprecia sa lasi un comment 🙂

Sambata faina!

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Articol din categoria: Social Media

1 comentariu

  1. Mie tot nu imi merge sa introduc serviciul pe care il am . Am incercat sa introduc 3 pagini pe care le administrez . Nu merge niciuna , desi alte persoane au setat ca lucreaza la acele pagini .

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