Inca un exemplu despre Puterea Social Media

Inca un exemplu despre Puterea Social Media

United_Breaks_GuitarsPovestea e simpla: United Airlines a facut praf chitara unei trupe canadiene. Ce a urmat? Vedeti mai jos. Povestea are 2 ani, clipul 1 are peste 11 milioane de vizualizari si United a facut nenumarate incercari de a-i compensa, dupa ce aproape 1 an de zile nu a raspuns la nici o cerere trimisa pe mediile „oficiale”. Ce a facut trupa? 3 clipuri pe YouTube care au desfiintat toate milioanele de dolari bagate de United in PR. Da, inca un exemplu al puterii pe care Social Media o are.

Full Story: – In the spring of 2008, Sons of Maxwell were traveling to Nebraska for a one-week tour and my Taylor guitar was witnessed being thrown by United Airlines baggage handlers in Chicago. I discovered later that the $3500 guitar was severely damaged. They didnt deny the experience occurred but for nine months the various people I communicated with put the responsibility for dealing with the damage on everyone other than themselves and finally said they would do nothing to compensate me for my loss. So I promised the last person to finally say no to compensation (Ms. Irlweg) that I would write and produce three songs about my experience with United Airlines and make videos for each to be viewed online by anyone in the world. United: Song 1 is the first of those songs. United: Song 2 has been written and video production is underway. United: Song 3 is coming. I promise. Follow me at . Video Produced by Curve Productions of Halifax,

Mai jos video-urile:

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Articol din categoria: Social Media

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