Interview: Paul Ford, Vice-President, Softlayer (EN)

Interview: Paul Ford, Vice-President, Softlayer (EN)

Am avut ocazia in cadrul evenimentului How to Web 2013 sa stau de vorba cu 3 dintre vorbitorii sositi de peste hotare si o sa va prezint in urmatoarele 3 zile mini-interviurile avute cu ei. Pentru ca mi-am pregatit intrebarile in engleza, ei vorbind doar engleza [:)] iar cu ei am discutat tot in engleza, o sa va pun arat atat lista cu subiectele ce mi le-am pregatit pentru fiecare din ei, cat si clipurile audio inregistrate “la fata locului”. Nu am editat nimic.

Astazi: Paul Ford,  Vice-President, Softlayer

Intrebari pentru Paul

* Where does the name come from?
* Please describe your logo
* Why did IBM acquire Softlayer? Is it true the value of the deal is around 2 Billion USD? 🙂
* What has changed since you became part of IBM?
* What/Who is SoftLayer’s worst enemy?
* What do you do on any given day, as a VP?
* Would you bet on the Cloud in the future? Or will the local storage prevail?
* What is the biggest threat for cloud? (connectivity, speed etc?)
* If a Romanian wants to get a job at Softlayer, what do they need to do and what positions do you have available?
* What are your big priorities in 2014?
* Say the first word that comes to mind when I say:
* * Traffic:
* *Love:
* *Backup:
* *Logo:
* *Wood:
* *Speed:
* *Future:

Ce a raspuns Paul:

Articol din categoria: Generale, Social Media

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